21++ Injustice Citation Islam
Conventionally injustice stands for the seizure of rights and the words and deeds of hostility against others such as revilement backbiting and confiscation of property crimes of beating or murder and the like forms of wrongdoings. Polytheism hence is grave injustice because it is replaced with monotheism.
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Therefore one may conclude that justice is an obligation of islam and injustice is forbidden. Allah swt commands his people to always remain just and fair even when dealing with one s enemy. 1 to be unjust towards allah the almighty.We sent our messengers with clear signs and sent down with them the book and the measure in order to establish justice among the people quran 57 25. We converted to islam all because of the prevailing caste injustice and untouchability. In contrast oppression is the violation of the rights of people.
In literal terms justice means treating everyone and everything with fairness. Mohammed abubaker originally known as marx converted to islam soon after the december 2 event. For example any dalit who is underprivileged could not enter into mariamman goddess durga temple.
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